Wednesday, August 24, 2011

League of Legends : Dominion Announced

Riot Games announced a new game mode for their awesome Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) game, League of Legends.  League of Legends : Dominion is one of the first different game modes announced for the MOBA genre.  Typically, MOBA games start with a spawning fountain and three lanes to attack from.  Each team starts on opposite corners.  Dominion seeks to change the style of game play into something more akin to Territory Control in which players battle to capture territory for more resources.  Interestingly enough, Riot Games announced the new mode days before developing powerhouse Valve announced a DOTA2 tournament, a direct sequel and competitor to League of Legends.
The Angry Duck is an avid League of Legends player.  Usually, the Duck plays Morgana, pictured above.  Is the Duck excited about a new game mode?  Absolutely.  Is the Duck good at the game?  Absolutely not.  The game is one of those games that changes each game.  No game is ever the same.  With a giant library of champions, the single mode available now doesn't seem tired.  With a second mode, Dominion, the game will be nearly infinitely playable.  Email the Duck if you'd like to challenge him and feel good about yourself.  He's terrible at the game. 

Monday, August 8, 2011

Who is the Angry Duck anyway?

Quack!  Why are you here and who is Dave?  Why is he an Angry Duck?  Well, Dave is a techie.  Not your typical techie, but an angry Duck techie.  Why a duck? - Because insults roll off his back. He’s been writing tech opinions for more than 10 years on various sites and decided to start his own blog.  Gaming and other related technologies is the focus.  A system engineer by day and PC gamer by night, this angry duck will voice his opinions and just let the insults roll off his back.  You may not always agree with him, but make you laugh he will.  Sometimes you may just groan.  Sometimes you may decide never to come back.  But the duck will still be here when you decide to come back.  Quacking away, telling you what he thinks. 

Now you may ask yourself “Why do I care who this angry duck guy is and what he wants to say?”  The truth is he doesn’t care what you think.  He just wants to tell you, the dear reader, what HE thinks.  The twist is he will try to make you laugh or at least smile while he tells you.  He will fail miserably sometimes and sometimes he will be the accidental genius.  He blogs to tell you his opinion in a hopefully entertaining manner.  Laugh at him, laugh with him, it doesn’t matter.  (Just remember when you buy that $150 super-mega MMO mouse that turns out to be worse than a ball mouse, the duck warned you.)  Be entertained and get some insight as to the raving, ranting, quacking opinion of this here game and technology passionate duck.